From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Skinner, Fred Isaac "Freddie"

(born: October 31, 1918  -  died: July 21, 2016) 

Freddie Skinner was born in Bloomfield, KY, where he was elected to the City Council in 1977. The ticket also included Ernestine Lewis; it was the first time the city council had two African American members. Skinner served two terms on the Bloomfield City Council.

Skinner was employed as a custodian and bus driver at Bloomfield High School. He was the son of Benton and Gertrude Wells Skinner and the husband of Helen Belle Skinner.

For more see "Mayor, 45 councilmen are black city officials," in 1978 Kentucky Directory of Black Elected Officials, Fifth Report by the Commission on Human Rights, p. 15; and the Fred I. Skinner obituary at (includes photograph). Other photographs of Skinner are available in The Indian, the Bloomfield High School yearbook.

Kentucky County & Region

Read about Nelson County, Kentucky in Wikipedia.

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Cited in this Entry

NKAA Entry: Lewis, Ernestine
NKAA Source: Kentucky directory of black elected officials
NKAA Source: The Indian [Bloomfield High School Yearbook - Kentucky]

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“Skinner, Fred Isaac "Freddie",” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 27, 2024,

Last modified: 2022-02-28 21:36:49