1940 - Shoe Makers, Repairers, and Shiners, Kentucky [TABLE C]
The table below has the names (C) of adult African Americans born in Kentucky and employed in the shoe care business in 1940 [source: U.S. Federal Census].
Charles Cerd Rome, GA shoe shine boy at barber shop
Felix Chapman Lexington, KY shoe maker at shoe repair shop
W. M. Christian Elkton, KY shoe shiner at barber shop
Jim Clark Pineville, KY shoe shiner at barber shop
Raymond Clark Pineville, KY shoe shiner at barber shop
Harding Clay Frankfort, KY shoe shine boy at barber shop
James Cobb Toledo, OH shoe shiner at barber shop
Mathew Cornett Hazard, KY shoe shiner at barber shop
[click here] for the accompanying NKAA entry 1940 - Shoe Makers, Repairers, and Shiners, Kentucky.