1940 - Shoe Makers, Repairers, and Shiners, Kentucky [TABLE B]
(born: 1940)The table below has the names (B) of adult African Americans born in Kentucky and employed in the shoe care business in 1940 [source: U.S. Federal Census].
Robey Babb Indianapolis, IN shoe shiner at barber shop
Carter Babb Indianapolis, IN shoe shiner at barber shop
Harvey Bailey Louisville, KY shoe finisher at shoe repair shop
Lamuel Ballew Cincinnati, OH shoe shiner in shining parlor
George Ballew Richmond, KY shoe repairer at Embry Shoe Shop
William Barnes Trigg County, KY shoe shiner at barber shop
Herb Bassett Aurora, IL shoe shiner at shoe parlor
Baker Bates Cleveland, OH shoe finisher at shoe shop
John Beamur Taylorsville, KY shoe repairman at home
James Beard Louisville, KY shoe repairer, owns shop
Marie Beard Louisville, KY helper in shoe shop
John Bishop Dayton, OH shoe shine boy at shoe repair shop
Grandison Blakey Louisville, KY shoe dyer at shoe repair shop
Irvine D. Blyote Richmond, KY shoe shiner
John Boggs Richmond, KY shoe repairer, owns shop
Walter Boston Augusta, KY shoe shiner at barber shop
Ed Bridwell Louisville, KY shoe shiner at a club
George W. Brown Paducah, KY shoe shiner at barber shop
Lillian Brown Louisville, KY shoe repairer at repair shop
Willie Brown Lexington, KY shoe shiner at shoe shining parlor
William Brown Covington, KY shoe shiner at barber shop
William Burks Frankfort, KY shoe shiner at barber shop
William Burley Frankfort, KY shoe shine boy, private work
[click here] for the accompanying NKAA entry 1940 - Shoe Makers, Repairers, and Shiners, Kentucky.