From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Arthur, William R. B. [People's Auxiliary Hospital in St.Louis, MO]

(born: 1868) 

William R. B. Arthur, a surgeon and physician, was born in Kentucky, the son of Elizabeth Chambers [source: 1920 U.S. Census]. Dr. Arthur earned his M.D. from Howard University Medical College in 1890. He returned to Kentucky to practice medicine in Louisville, teaching at the Louisville National Medical College and serving as a surgeon at the Auxiliary Hospital.

Dr. Arthur left Louisville and moved to St. Louis, MO, where he founded the People's Auxiliary Hospital and Training School in 1898. The three-story hospital, which had 12 rooms for up to 15 patients, was located at 1001 N. Jefferson Avenue.

For more see the William R. B. Arthur entry in A Historical, Biographical and Statistical Souvenir, by Howard University Medical Department [available full-text at Google Books]; "Hospital for Colored Patients," Medical Review, vol. 39 (Jan. 7 - July 1, 1899) [available full-text at Google Books]; and Glimpses of the Ages, vol. 1, by T. E. S. Scholes [available full-text at Google Books].

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“Arthur, William R. B. [People's Auxiliary Hospital in St.Louis, MO],” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 26, 2024,

Last modified: 2020-09-21 17:13:38