From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Kentucky Negro Press Association

The Kentucky Negro Press Association was formed in 1915 with Ed Willis, of the Lexington News, as president, and Lee S. Brown as secretary. The association office was in Louisville, KY. The 2nd Annual Conference of the Kentucky Negro Press Association was held in Lexington, KY, in September of 1916. It was held on the grounds of the Kentucky Fair Association. The attendees were guests of the Lexington Colored Fair Association. An earlier Negro Press Association, Kentucky was formed in 1907. For more see a letter from the "Office of the Secretary, Kentucky Negro Press Association, Louisville, KY, October 23, 1915," Freeman, 10/30/1915, p.1; and "The Second Annual Session of the Kentucky Negro Press Association," Freeman, 09/09/1916, p.1.

Kentucky County & Region

Read about Fayette County, Kentucky in Wikipedia.
Read about Jefferson County, Kentucky in Wikipedia.

Kentucky Place (Town or City)

Read about Lexington, Kentucky in Wikipedia.
Read about Louisville, Kentucky in Wikipedia.

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“Kentucky Negro Press Association,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 26, 2024,

Last modified: 2017-12-28 23:24:33