From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Harrison-Pace, Yolantha V.

(born: 1955) 

Yolantha Harrison-Pace is from Texas and has lived in Danville, KY, for many years. She is a performing arts specialist. For 30 years she has designed and facilitated academic programs in dance and the performing arts, most recently in the Danville/Boyle County area. She also conducts storytelling and poetry writing workshops, is the founder and facilitator of V.O.I.C.E. (Voices of Influence Creating Encouragement) and S.P.E.A.K.!!! (Stop, Please End Abuse to Kids!!!), and is the author of a book of poetry, Wing-Plucked Butterfly (Neshee Publication, 2004).

Harrison-Pace has published several books. She has received a number of awards and honors, including the 2004 YOUnity Guild Humanitarian of the Year Award and the 2004 Urban Spectrum Poetry Book of the Year Award. Her published books include Where the Thunder HidesColor Me YolanthaUncle Thaxter: a Suri Love StoryHere's to Haiti, Me First, and Angel's Book

For more see Yolantha Harrison-Pace on the Kentucky Educational Television website; see "Featured Artist: Yolantha Harrison-Pace," a Kentucky Arts Council webpage updated 02/15/2023; Crystal Sicard, "Kentucky artist channels her talent to raise money for those in need," Spectrum News 1, 08/23/2021 (online); "Art center welcomes latest artist-in-residence," The Advocate Messenger, 11/19/2021, p.A4; and many other newspaper articles and websites

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“Harrison-Pace, Yolantha V.,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 27, 2024,

Last modified: 2023-03-29 14:09:37