From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Crumlin, James A., Sr.

(born: 1914  -  died: August 25, 2004) 

Reverend James A. Crumlin, Sr. was born in Spartanburg, South Carolina. He came to Louisville, KY in 1944. A graduate of Howard University, he earned his law degree from the Robert H. Terrell Law School in Washington, D.C. Crumlin is remembered for a number of successes, including the appeal to the Kentucky Legislature to amend the state law for African American doctors and nurses to be admitted to state hospitals for training. The bill was passed in 1948 while Crumlin was president of the Louisville NAACP. Crumlin was also one of the lawyers for the plaintiff in the lawsuit to integrate the University of Kentucky. He was the lawyer for a number of school integration cases in Kentucky. For more see The Fascinating Story of Black Kentuckians, by A. A. Dunnigan; and B. Paulastaff, "Rev. James A. Crumlin, Sr. dies," Courier-Journal, 08/28/2004, News section, p. O7B.

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“Crumlin, James A., Sr.,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 26, 2024,

Last modified: 2022-07-25 20:53:20