From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Hanley, Alvin Creighton, Sr.

(born: March 28, 1928  -  died: December 15, 1987) 

Born in Lexington, KY, Alvin C. Hanley was a graduate of Kentucky State College [now Kentucky State University (KSU)] and Indiana University. He played football and basketball at the old Dunbar High School and was an All-American football player at Kentucky State, where he was inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame in 1975. Hanley was a half-back in his senior year and was named to the National Negro All-American Team. He was drafted by the Los Angeles Rams in 1951. [Team was the Cleveland Rams, 1936-1942 & 1944-1945, then became the Los Angeles Rams, 1946-1994, then became St. Louis Rams, 1995-2015, then the team again was the Los Angeles Rams, 2016-present.]

When he returned to Kentucky, Hanley was the football coach at Lincoln Institute in 1960. At Kentucky State University, Hanley was head of the pre-engineering program in 1976 and served as president of the Kentucky Ebony Heritage Association, which was formed to promote the awareness and recognition of Black heritage in Kentucky. In August 1978, Hanley was named the first director of the University of Kentucky Minority and Disadvantaged Student Recruitment Program.

For more see "KSU Special Student Recruiter, Alvin C. Hanley, Dies at age 59," Lexington Herald-Leader, 12/16/1987, Obituaries, p. D6; "Western High goes after 2nd win tonight; plays Lincoln Institute," Messenger and Inquirer, 9/17/1960, p. 8; and "Black Heritage Association formed," Lexington Herald, 9/14/1976, p. 4.

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“Hanley, Alvin Creighton, Sr.,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 26, 2024,

Last modified: 2023-07-12 20:52:34