From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Reid, Barney Ford, Jr.

(born: 1890  -  died: 1951) 

Barney F. Reid, Jr., a tailor, was born in Lancaster, KY. He was at Camp Zachary Taylor during World War I, where he was promoted to to Corporal and later Sergeant.

Reid was made principal of the Consolidated Army School and in 1931 became president of Cincinnati Theological Seminary (now the Cincinnati Christian College). Reid was pastor of the Zion Baptist Church in Cincinnati, OH from 1927 to his death in 1951.

Barney F. Reid, Jr. was the son of Barney F. Reid, Sr. and Marie Hendron Reid and the husband of Claudia Ballen Reid; the couple married in Jeffersonville, IN on December 2, 1895 [source: Indiana Marriage Records]. Barney F. Reid, Jr. died November 10, 1951 in Cincinnati. [source: Ohio Department of Health Certificate of Death].

For more see Who's Who in Colored America,1928-29Who's Who in Colored America, 1950; and "Zion Baptist Church celebrates 174th anniversary," The Cincinnati Herald, 11/8/2019.

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“Reid, Barney Ford, Jr.,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed September 16, 2024,

Last modified: 2023-06-12 16:26:59