Brown, Beatrice Sandra
(born: 1950 - died: 2013)Dr. Beatrice S. Brown was an educator, mental health director, musician and music director, evangelist and ordained minister, author, and leader. In 1969, she founded the Black Diamond Choir, now a one-hour credit course at the University of Louisville; she was founder and president of the Daughters of Zion International Women of Prayer World Ministries Inc. in Louisville, KY; and she was Mother Evangelist at Tabernacle of Praise Church of God in Christ in Louisville.
Much of Dr. Brown's career took place in New York; she left Kentucky in 1978 for the Bronx, where she joined the Holy Temple Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith. Within the church she was a missionary in Home Missions and in the Foreign Mission in Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Nigeria, all in Africa [source: obituary program "In Loving Memory of Dr. Beatrice Sandra Brown," September 23, 2013, at Tabernacle of Praise Church of God in Christ in Louisville].
Dr. Brown had an extensive vita; the following comes from Who's Who of American Women, 1987-2000 (subscription database): 1997- Founder, president, and CEO of BSB Wholistic Psychological Wellness Center of New York and Consulting Firm; 1994-1997 Director of the girls unit facility at the Jewish Board Family and Children Services; 1994-1997 Founder and director of the Mt. Vernon African American Music Arts Festival; 1990 Research faculty member at Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia, Africa; 1989- Assistant professor of special education and early childhood development at City University of New York; 1989-1991 Director coordinator of children day treatment program at Upper Manhattan Mental Health Center; 1986- Founder, director Museum Arts Institute Creative Expression for Children, Brown Educational Institute; 1984- Performing arts consultant at New York State Council for Arts; 1983-1988 School teacher at New York Public Schools; 1983-84 Director, music teacher Holmes Elementary School in Mt. Vernon, NY; 1982-84 Music director at AC-BAW Center for Arts; 1978- Music and choral director at Holy Temple Church; 1976-78 Counselor at the Louisville Sheltered Workshop; 1972- Director, music director Museum Arts of Creative Expression; 1969-1975 Choral director, music teacher at the University of Louisville.
Dr. Beatrice S. Brown held a BMEd from the University of Louisville (1972); MA, PhD from Columbia Pacific University (1987); Postdoctoral course of instruction certificate from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center (1998); and Post-graduate certificates in psychological-behavioral therapy from the Center of Mental Health, New York City (1995) [source: Who's Who of American Women, 1987-2000 (subscription database)]. She also had a M.Div., and was a professor at the College of New Rochelle and at Concordia University, both in New York [source: p.57 in Case Studies in Evangelism by B. S. Brown]. Dr. Brown had a number of articles and was the author of Images of America: Louisville's Historic Black Neighborhoods (2012); Wisdom Woman Prosperous, Wealthy, Honored (2010); Women's Financial Health: God's provision in financial crisis (2010) with Sandy B. Dulichan; The Seven Law Curriculum for Positive Thinking and Behavior in Children and Adolescents; and Case Studies in Evangelism: effective principles in reaching others (2008).
Dr. Beatrice S. Brown was the daughter of Thomas and Irene Brown; and the sister of Dr. Marilyn G. Brown-Anderson. This entry and many of the sources were submitted by Juanita L. White.