Monjoy, Milton S.
(born: 1918 - died: 1998)Born in Louisville, KY, Monjoy became the accountant for the Detroit Housing Commission in 1946, was senior accountant with Richard A. Austin, C.P.A. from 1945-1949, and an agent of the U.S. Treasury Department. He was the 21st C.P.A. licensed in the United States.
Monjoy received his B.S. degree from the Detroit Institute of Technology [records at the Lawrence Technological University] in 1946. He was the son of William and Margaret Monjoy and the husband of Fredda N. Alexander Monjoy.
For more see Who's Who in Colored America, 1950; and Monjoy in "Death Notices," Detroit Free Press, 4/16/1998, p. 4B.