From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Cox, Fannie M.

(born: 1959) 

In 2007/2008, Fannie Cox became the third* African American president of the Kentucky Library Association (KLA). It was during her tenure that Louisville, KY, was the host city for the state's second national library conference (the first being the 1917 American Library Association Conference). The 2008 meeting was a combined event with the KLA Conference, Kentucky School Media Association, the National Diversity in Libraries Conference, and the Southeastern Library Association Conference. In 2005, she coordinated with the Western Branch Library Support Association for the successful joint banquet for the recognition of the centennial anniversary of KLA and the Western Branch (now Western Library) of the Louisville Free Public Library.

In addition to having been president of KLA, Fannie Cox has served in several leadership positions, including chair of the Special Library Section. She initiated the Conference Proceedings, the online Advocacy Clearinghouse, and the Poster Sessions, which she also chaired. She has received appointments to various ALA committees, including ALCTS Leadership Development, Collection Development and Electronic Resources, and the Advocacy Training Subcommittee. She was the recipient of the Association of College and Research Libraries Fellowship in 2000 and the National Science Foundation Fellowship in 1999.

Fannie Cox is an associate professor and serves as Outreach and Reference Librarian at the University of Louisville. She earned her B.A. in 1982 and her MLS in 1998, both from Indiana University. She earned an MPA in 1992 from Kentucky State University.

Fannie Cox, the daughter of the late James and Rosa Cox, was born in Indianapolis, IN.

This information was taken with permission from the vita of Fannie M. Cox. For more information contact Fannie Cox at

*The first African American to become president of KLA was Rebecca T. Bingham from Indianapolis, IN, and the second was Barbara S. Miller from Louisville, KY.

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Cited in this Entry

NKAA Entry: Bingham, Rebecca T.
NKAA Entry: Miller, Barbara Simmons

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“Cox, Fannie M.,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed September 11, 2024,

Last modified: 2020-08-26 17:20:18