Britt, Hardin B.
(born: 1871 - died: 1963)Born to Thomas and Julia Britt in Brownsville, KY, Hardin B. Britt, was a trained gospel singer. After attending the Negro common school in Edmonson County, KY, Hardin Britt graduated valedictorian from State University [now Simmons College in Louisville] and also graduated from Eckstein Norton University in Cane Spring, KY.
Britt was the leading soloist at the Baptist World's Congress held in London England; his performance was reviewed in the Christian Herald, July 1905, "A Sweet Colored Singer."
By 1920, Britt had settled in Louisivlle; according to the U.S. Census, he lived on Finzer Street, where he boarded with Lucy Burton, a cook, and her niece, Rosa Stone, a school teacher. At the time, he was earning his living as a gospel singer. In 1937, he was a music teacher living at 2424 W. Walnut Street, according to Caron's Louisville City Directory, 1937, p. 263. Hardin B. Britt died in Louisville in 1963 [source: Kentucky Death Index].
For more see Who's Who Among the Colored Baptists of the United States, by S. W. Bacote.