Kentucky Classical and Business College (North Middletown, KY)
The student body at the Kentucky Classical and Business College, a preparatory and music school that was also referred to as the North Middletown Classical and Business College, was made up of white coeds; males were allowed to board at the school.
At some point prior to the 1940s, Emma Cason Green, an African American, was a student at the school. It is not known if she was the first or only African American student.
A brief description of the school and a picture are on p. 76 of Paris and Bourbon County, by B. Scott and J. Scott. According to the annual catalog found in the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center [call number 378.769 K41235-H], the school was established in 1856. The 1914 Patterson's American Educational Directory, p. 145, gives the beginning date as 1868 [full-text online at Google Books].