From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Agricultural and Mechanical Association of the Colored People of Bourbon County

On January 16, 1874, the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky passed an act for the benefit of the Agricultural and Mechanical Association of the Colored People of Bourbon County. The act, referring to the organization's colored fair, prohibited booths and the selling of refreshments or liquor within half a mile of the fairgrounds while the fair was in progress. The fair was held in Millersburg, KY.

For more see An Act to incorporate 
Agricultural and Mechanical Association of the Colored People
, Chapter 560, p. 113 (1873) at Google Books; and Chapter 58 of the Laws of Kentucky in Acts Passed at...Session of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth, printed in 1874 at the Kentucky Yeoman Office in Frankfort, KY [available at Google Books].

Kentucky County & Region

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“Agricultural and Mechanical Association of the Colored People of Bourbon County,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 27, 2024,

Last modified: 2021-02-19 17:50:38