Ecton, Virgil E.
(born: 1940)Virgil E. Ecton, born in Paris, KY, is a graduate of Indiana University (1962) and Xavier University. For 31 years he was employed at the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) and served as the Executive Vice President and COO before leaving the organization in 2001 to become Vice President of University Advancement at Howard University.
Ecton is known for his exceptional fund-raising ability; he raised more than 1.6 billion dollars while employed at UNCF. He is a founding member of the National Society of Fund-Raising Executives' Certification Board. In 2008, he became a Senior Consultant with Brakeley Briscoe Fundraising & Management, and in 2011 was appointed vice president for federal affairs at Tuskegee University.
For more see Who's Who Among African Americans, 1975-2006; and "Virgil E. Ecton, CFRE" on the Pathways to College website.