Negro Businesses (Lexington, KY)
(start date: 1901)In 1901, the following Lexington, KY, businesses were included in Dr. L. D. Robinson's report at the 2nd Annual Convention of the National Negro Business League in Chicago:
[barbers] Benjamin Franklin, A. L. Hawkins, Anderson & Suter, A.B. Fletcher, Frank Buckner, and Howard Miller.
[grocery stores] John T. Clay & Sons, and A. W. Taylor.
[baker and confectioner] Charles H. Allen
[cafes] Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Thompson; Walker & Roberts; Ladies Exchange; Richard Williams and Green Miller; and R. H. Gray, who owned several patents, a cafe, and an ice cream and soda parlor.
For more see Dr. L. D. Robinson, "Negro Business Enterprise of Lexington, Kentucky," Records of the National Negro Business League, Part 1 Annual Conference Proceedings and Organizational Records, 1900-1919, 2nd Annual Convention, August 21-23, 1901, reel 1, frames 221-222; White, George, Jr., "The Color of Money: African Americans, Economic Development, and Identity in Kentucky," The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society, Vol. 114, No. 2 (Spring 2016), pp. 161-187.