Smith, Kevin L.
(born: 1967)Kevin L. Smith was the pastor of the Watson Memorial Baptist Church in Louisville, KY. In 2006, during the Kentucky Baptist Convention, Bill Henard nominated Smith for vice president, and Smith won the election. It was thought to be the second time that an African American was elected as a state convention officer.
Smith was an assistant professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2015, he was elected President of the Kentucky Baptist Convention.
In 2016 Smith was elected the executive director of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware. He is the first African American to serve in both positions.
He left his positions as teaching pastor at Highview Baptist Church and as assistant professor of Christian preaching at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
For more see Kevin L. Smith, "FIRST-PERSON: Theeology & Race Cards," at the website (10/29/2002); "Kevin L. Smith" at the website; "Kentucky Baptists' first African American president moving to Maryland," online at the Kentucky Today website; "Kevin Smith: RISK 2014," a video on Vimeo; and "Unity in the church brings God glory, Smith tells pastors conference," The Alabama Baptist, Nov. 21, 2020.