Harris, William Henry, Jr.
(born: December 12, 1903)William Henry Harris, Jr. was born in Russellville, KY, the son of William and Hattie Harris. The family lived on West Bank Street in 1910, according to the U.S. Federal Census. William Sr. was a minister at the Baptist Church.
William Harris Jr. taught at Western Seminary in Kansas City, MO (now Western Baptist Bible College) and at Douglass High School in Webster Groves, MO from 1928 to 1930. He served as director of the Community House in Moline, IL, 1930-1933.
William Harris, Jr. was pastor of the First Baptist Church in St. Louis, MO in 1942, according to his World War II Draft Registration Card (Ancestry). He also served as director of foreign mission work in Missouri.
William Henry Harris, Jr. was the husband of Verlenia Harris. For more see Who's Who in Colored America, 1950.