From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Stanley, Frank L., Sr.

(born: 1906  -  died: 1974) 

Frank L. Stanley, Sr. was senior editor and publisher of the Louisville Defender newspaper for 38 years. He was also a civil rights activist: in 1950 he drafted Senate Resolution no. 53, which led to the integration of higher education in Kentucky; and he pushed for the organization of the Kentucky Human Rights Commission.

In 1962, Stanley was one of the four journalists  the State Department sent to Africa to conduct a journalism seminar for African editors and radio program directors. In 1974, he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Law degree by the University of Kentucky during the commencement exercise; Stanley was a  member of the group that fought to desegregate the University of Kentucky.

Frank L. Stanley, Sr. was the father of Frank L. Stanley, Jr.

In 1983, Frank L. Stanley, Sr. was inducted into the University of Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame. The Frank L. Stanley Papers are at the University of Louisville Libraries' Special Collections and Archives.

For more see Biography Index: A cumulative index to biographical material in books and magazines. vol. 10: Sept. 1973-Aug. 1976; "Editor gets honorary doctorate degree," Chicago Metro News, 6/8/1974, p. 14; and Who's Who in Colored America, 1950.

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“Stanley, Frank L., Sr.,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 26, 2024,

Last modified: 2021-12-10 18:49:26