From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Parrish, Charles H., Sr.

(born: 1859  -  died: 1931) 

Charles H. Parrish, Sr. was born into slavery in Lexington, KY, to Hiram, a teamster, and Henrietta Parrish, a seamstress. Charles Parrish became pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Louisville, KY; president of Eckstein Norton College; and later president of Simmons University (KY). He founded the Kentucky Home Society for Colored Children. In 1905, he attended the World Baptist Alliance in London, England, and in 1912 was named a fellow in the British Royal Historical Society as a result of his research in Palestine. For more see Kentucky Encyclopedia 2000; Black Higher Education in Kentucky, 1879-1930, by L. H. Williams; and "Reverend Charles Henry Parrish" in Who's Who Among the Colored Baptists of the United States, by S. W. Bacote.

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“Parrish, Charles H., Sr.,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 26, 2024,

Last modified: 2019-08-26 20:29:51