From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Warley, William [Buchanan v. Warley]

(born: January 6, 1884  -  died: April 2, 1946) 

William Warley fought for African Americans' right to vote and wrote about African Americans' contributions to history. Editor of the Louisville News, which he founded in 1913, he used the paper to speak out against segregated street cars and school inequality.

Warley was also president of the NAACP Louisville, KY Chapter in 1917 when he and Charles H. Buchanan challenged the legitimacy of the Louisville ordinance that mandated segregated housing. Warley won the U.S. Supreme Court decision giving African Americans the right to acquire, own, and live on property without race discrimination. In 1937, he was co-editor of the The Herald Tribune; the newspaper existed for a brief period, published in Louisville with co-editors Charles E. Tucker and Huron Clark [source: The Fascinating Story of Black Kentuckians, by A. A. Dunnigan, p. 528]. Just prior to his death, Warley was editor and founder of the Falls City News, according to his WWII Draft Rgistration card (Ancestry) and The Courier-Journal.

William Warley died in April 1946 and was buried in Louisville Cemetery. He was born in Louisville, the son of William and Belle Cullum Warley. 

For more see the Kentucky Encyclopedia; "Members of the press," The Courier-Journal, 5/16/1943, p. 17; and R. Wigginton, "But he did what he could: William Warley leads Louisville's fight for justice, 1902-1946," Filson History Quarterly, vol. 76, issue 4 (2002), pp. 427-458.

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“Warley, William [Buchanan v. Warley],” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 27, 2024,

Last modified: 2023-02-06 17:50:10