From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Pearsall, James

(born: 1889  -  died: 1906) "James Pearsall, a young black teen, was legally lynched within the bounds of Fayette County. The cause of the crime was criminal assault on a white woman and her husband." ~ Paul Pendergast

*See the attached paper by Paul Pendergast.

Additional Sources:
  • Pearsall v Commwealth. The Southwestern Reporter, v.92  [online at Google Books].
  • "James Persall" in Legal Executions in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky and Missouri by D. A. Hearn.


Kentucky County & Region

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Image Rights Information

The paper by University of Kentucky student Paul Pendergast is used with his permission. Fall 2017. Class: GEO406 taught by Dr. Lynn Roche Phillips.

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Cite This NKAA Entry:

“Pearsall, James,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 27, 2024,

Last modified: 2018-11-12 16:37:09