From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Aunt Lou's Underground Railroad Tomato

The following information comes from the unpublished book manuscript on gardening by retired UK Librarian Kate Black. "[Heirloom carried through the Underground Railroad by an unnamed black man as he crossed to freedom in Ripley, OH, from KY. Seeds were passed on to Aunt Lou, who passed them on to her great nephew, and eventually on to heirloom tomato enthusiast Gary Millwood.]"

Kate Black interviewed Gary Millwood prior to his death in May of 2013.  It was during their conversation that Milwood introduced her to Aunt Lou's Underground Railroad Tomato, a dark pink fruit that he found in Ohio. 

For more see Gary Millwood, Gardening, Creatures and Life In A Small Town: "Heirloom Tomatoes"; and "Plant Tomato- Aunt Lou's Underground Railroad" at the Plants Map website.

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Cite This NKAA Entry:

“Aunt Lou's Underground Railroad Tomato,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 27, 2024,

Last modified: 2022-03-28 16:57:45