From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Danville Colored Branch Library (Boyle County, KY)

(start date: 1919  -  end date: 1937) 

Between 1919 and 1937, there were at least three colored libraries in Danville, KY.

In 1919, the Paul Dunbar Branch Library for Colored People was opened on South Second Street. Elizabeth Tunis, a librarian at the Danville Library for whites, is credited with establishing the colored library, which  was managed by Martha Pearl Rowe Patton. The library was supported by fifty library members until it closed in 1922.

That same year on March 11, a colored branch library was opened in the Negro school under the supervision of the Danville Library Board. It cost $1 membership per year for use of the books, and the charge was two cents per day for overdue fines.

A third public library branch was opened in 1929 at Bate High School under the supervision of the Danville Board of Education.

For more see Library Service to African Americans in Kentucky, by R. F. Jones; A Century of Library Service, 1893-1993, by R. Brown; and the "[Kentucky] Library Annual Reports," for 1922 and 1929, both submitted to the Kentucky Library Commission by the Danville Public Library.

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“Danville Colored Branch Library (Boyle County, KY),” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 27, 2024,

Last modified: 2024-07-08 18:02:02