From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

White, David French

(born: 1872) David F. White was an educator and minister who combined the two professions: he believed that the Bible should be a part of the course work in schools and that teachers should be Christians. In 1920 he was pastor of the First United Presbyterian Church in Norfolk, VA. David F. White was born in Berea, KY, and he attended Berea College for a year, then left and later graduated from Tuscaloosa Institute for Training Colored Ministers [later named Stillman Institute, now Stillman College] and Knoxville College (in 1903). He was principal of Athens Academy and was pastor of the United Presbyterian Church, both in Athens, TN. This  began his tenure as a school principal, and he was also a minister in several locations: Indianapolis, IN, where he was also active at the YMCA where he taught Bible classes; Richmond, VA; Prairie, AL; and Cleveland, TN.

In 1911, Rev. White resigned from his position as pastor of the Witherspoon Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis to join with Fred B. Smith in the "Men and Religion Forward Movement" headquartered in New York [source: Rev. D. F. White...," Freeman, 06/24/1911, p. 8]. The movement was to bring more men and boys into the church; there was a fear that women had become the dominate membership and would soon sway church policies and decision-making. In 1920, while in Norfolk, VA, in addition to being a minister, Rev. White was director of the YMCA, he was a probation officer, and a member of the juvenile court.

For more see "David French White" in History of the American Negro, Virginia Edition, edited by A. B. Caldwell; and in Black Biography, 1790-1950: a cumulative index by R. K. Burkett, et. al.; and see "Y.M.C.A. notes," Freeman, 09/26/1908, p. 8. See also the online reprint of W. T. Stead, "The Men and Religion Forward Movement," The Review of Reviews, April 1912.

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“White, David French,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 26, 2024,

Last modified: 2017-11-21 01:46:08