From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Lexington Fraternal Order of Black Firefighters

The following information comes from the unpublished manuscript, History of Black Firefighters, written by Keith L. Jackson in 1991, for the Lexington, KY Chapter of the International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters (IABPFF). The Lexington Fraternal Order of Black Firefighters was formed in May, 1990, the first IABPFF chapter in Kentucky. Some of the founding members were Michael Horton, Clarence Jones, James Kyner, and Beverly Baker. There had been an earlier firefighter's association in Lexington, formed in the 1980s, and named the Brothers Loving Others and Opposing Destruction (BLOOD). The chapter was reorganized and the name was changed in 1990. According to Jackson, the first two African American firefighters were hired by the City of Lexington in 1969: John Drake and Charles Lindsey. In 1992, Brenda Cowan became the first African American woman firefighter and member of the Lexington Chapter of the IABPFF. A second chapter of the IABPFF was located in Louisville, KY.

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Cited in this Entry

NKAA Source: History of Black firefighters (Lexington, KY)
NKAA Entry: Jackson, Keith L.
NKAA Entry: Drake, John B., Jr.
NKAA Entry: Cowan, Brenda D.

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“Lexington Fraternal Order of Black Firefighters,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 26, 2024,

Last modified: 2017-12-14 19:18:13