From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)
Colored Lodges - Covington and Newport, KY
The following Colored lodges are listed in the Directory of Covington Newport and Vicinity also Cincinnati Business Directory 1920-21.Newport
- Independent Order of Odd Fellows Dunbar Lodge No. 1885 met at 319 W. 4th Street
- Below are the Colored lodges that met at the corner of Russell Avenue and Harvey Street
- American Protestant Association - Queen Esther Court No. 1
- Covington Lodge No. 6
- Hod Carriers Union No. 1 - Trade Union
- United Order True Reformers
- Improved Benevolent Protective Order of Elks of the World - Ira Lodge No. 37. Met at 319 W. 4th Street
- Below are the Colored lodges that met at the Odd Fellows Hall on Electric Avenue
- Carmel Temple No. 66
- Covington Lodge No. 35
- Covington Temple No. 6 - Sisters of the Mysterious Ten
- David's Camp No. 7
- Grand United Order of Odd Fellows - Crispus Attuck Lodge No. 1650
- Grand United Order of Odd Fellows - Household of Ruth
- Grand United Order of Odd Fellows - Patriarchie No. 21
- Grand Council No. 51
- Knights of Pythias - Covington Lodge No. 6
- Knights of Pythias - Eclipse Uniform Rank No. 3
- Knights of Pythias - Independent Order Court of Calanthe No. 7
- Masonic - Durgin Chapter No. 6, R. A. M.
- Masonic - Kenton Chapter No. 40
- Masonic - Kenton Lodge No. 16
- Queen of Sheba Temple No. 97
- United Brothers of Friendship