From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Wilson, Hughlyne A. Perkins

(born: 1931) Hughlyne A. Perkins Wilson was the first woman assistant superintendent in the Louisville, KY, public schools. She is a 1951 graduate of Howard University and earned her M. Ed. in 1964 at the University of Louisville, where she completed her thesis, A Study of the Relationship of First Grade Readiness Test Scores to Reading Achievement in the Fifth Grade.

Wilson began her career with the Louisville Public Schools as a teacher in 1956. She is a member of the Urban League, Delta Sigma Theta, and Phi Delta Kappa. She was a member of the Board of Regents at Western Kentucky University.

Hughlyne Wilson was born in Louisville, KY, the daughter of Henry W. and Gertrude Loving Perkins. She is the wife of Charles A. Wilson. For more see the Hughlyne Perkins Wilson entry in Who's Who Among Black Americans, 1975-1995; and Who's Who Among African Americans, 1996-2009.

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“Wilson, Hughlyne A. Perkins,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 26, 2024,

Last modified: 2020-06-12 19:34:54