From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)
Jones, Ruth Hill
(born: 1909 - died: 2013) Ruth Hill Jones was the daughter of Rev. John Hill, a prominent minster in Louisville, KY. She was a librarian in the Louisville school system for many years, then retired and became the librarian at Simmons Bible College. On July 31, 2009, her 100th birthday, she became one of the centenarian librarians in Kentucky.Ruth Jones was a 1931 English graduate of Wilberforce University and a 1954 MSLS graduate of the University of Chicago and then earned a second masters degree in liberal arts from Indiana University in 1957. She was a major contributor to the education literature published in the Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal.
This information comes from U. S. Army Chaplin (Major) Susan R. Addams.