From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Division of Negro Education (Kentucky)

In 1924, the Division of Negro Education was formed within the Kentucky Department of Education, with Professor L. N. Taylor hired as supervisor of Negro rural education. On April 25, 1924 he addressed the Kentucky Negro Educational Association (KNEA).

The Division of Negro Education brought the issue of secondary education for Negroes closer to the State Department of Education, according to Claude E. Nichols in his master's thesis, Reorganization of Negro High Schools in the State of Kentucky. From 1924-1943, Taylor addressed the KNEA membership at the annual conference, collecting concerns, keeeping members up-to-date on education matters, and making a financial donation to the organization every year.

Taylor retired from the Department of Education in 1943; KNEA presented him with a 17-jewel watch. He was presented the Lincoln [Institute] Key in 1944, the same year that Sam B. Taylor was named Supervisor of Negro Education. From 1945-1947, Whitney M. Young, Sr. served as the Assistant Supervisor and Coordinator of Negro Education, the first African American to be hired in the Division of Negro Education.

For more see the Proceedings of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association and the Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal, April 23-26, 1924 through November-December 1948; and Negro Education in Kentucky [thesis], by J. A. Bond. See also the entries for African American Schools in the NKAA Database.

Kentucky County & Region

Read about Franklin County, Kentucky in Wikipedia.

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“Division of Negro Education (Kentucky),” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 27, 2024,

Last modified: 2021-02-24 18:06:19