From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Hayden, John Carleton

(born: 1933) 

Born in Bowling Green, KY in 1933, John C. Hayden has been a clergyman, activist, educator, and historian. He is the son of Otis Roosevelt and Gladys Gatewood Hayden.

Hayden is a 1955 graduate of Wayne State University (BA), a 1962 graduate of the University of Detroit [at Mercy] (MA), a 1972 graduate of Howard University (PhD), and a 1991 graduate of the Emmanuel College (MDiv).

In the 1970s, Hayden was an activist for African Americans and social issues. He taught at several schools, including as a history professor at Howard University and a lecturer at Montgomery College. He has written extensively on African American church history: he is the author of Struggle, Strife, and Salvation, the Role of Blacks in the Episcopal Church and a co-author of Black American Heritage through United States Postage Stamps.

For more see Who's Who in the World (2001);  Who's Who Among African Americans, 1975-2006; "The Reverend Dr. John Carleton Hayden" at the website; and The John Carleton Hayden Papers, Virginia Theological Seminary, at the ArchiveGrid website.

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“Hayden, John Carleton,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 27, 2024,

Last modified: 2022-05-23 02:18:01