From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Central Law School (Louisville, KY)

Professor John H. Lawson is credited with organizing Central Law School in 1890 as part of State University [later Simmons University]. When the school was established, it absorbed Harper Law School.

At the time, there were three African Americans practicing law in the city of Louisville, KY. Over the 50 year period that the school existed, Central had 100 graduates. Initially Central was one of only four law schools in the United States that would admit African Americans; the others were located at Howard University, Walden University, and Shaw University.

The first commencement for Central graduates was held in 1892 at the Masonic Temple Theatre.

For more see the Central Law School, 1890-1941, a University of Louisville website; and  A Century of Negro Education in Louisville, by G. D. Wilson.

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“Central Law School (Louisville, KY),” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 26, 2024,

Last modified: 2021-05-10 16:06:58