Mozart Society (Louisville, KY)
The Louisville Mozart Society, considered the first African American musical society in the city, was organized in 1852 and included German musicians. The society, which gave concerts and performed at the local churches, is credited with introducing classical music to the African American community.
W. H. Gibson, Sr. had introduced the first musical instrument, a violin, in a Louisville African American church in 1847. The first organ was placed in Quinn Chapel but was quickly removed when the church sisters threatened to throw it out into the streets.
For more see A History of Blacks in Kentucky: from slavery to segregation, 1760-1891, by M. B. Lucas; The History of the United Brothers of Friendship and Sisters of the Mysterious Ten, by W. H. Gibson, Sr.; Louisville Civic Orchestra ends Black History Month with tribute to African American composers, Feb. 29, 2020; African American Women Play Musical Instruments: Kentucky: Musicians and Bandleaders, University of Kentucky Research Guide; and Proffitt, Doug, Exploring the influence of trailblazing African American musicians in Kentucky, April 9, 2021.