From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Duffy, William M., Jr.

(born: 1953) 

Born in Louisville, KY, William M. Duffy, Jr. was a 1976 graduate of the Louisville School of Art. Beginning in 1980, he has shown his work in exhibitions throughout the U.S., winning either a purchase or merit award in 30+ competitive shows. In 1997, he received an official commendation for sharing his artistic gifts with students and staff in the Jefferson County Public Schools.

For more see the William M. Duffy website; Steven Krolak, "William M. Duffy, sculptor in our midst, honored by Louisville Visual Arts," March 2019, on the Indiana University Southeast website; "William M Duffy" at the Saatchi Art website; and "William M. Duffy: Crafted Artist" at the Artist Directory at

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“Duffy, William M., Jr.,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 27, 2024,

Last modified: 2021-09-20 17:11:59