From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Parker, Perry

(born: 1869  -  died: 1936) 

Born in Lexington, KY, Perry Parker was one of the founders and chairman of the Pullman Porter's Benefit Association of America, Inc. He started as a porter, advancing to a special investigator for the Pullman Company, where he was employed for 41 years.

After his death, Perry Parker was honored during the annual memorial services held in New York for Pullman veterans and ex-veterans.

For more see Who's Who in Colored America, 1933-37; J. H. Hogans, "Among railroad and Pullman workers," The Afro-American, 5/26/1942, p. 8; A. Philip Randolph: a biographical portrait, by J. Anderson; and see a video of his gravesite on Facebook and Parker's photograph at the New York Public Library's Public Domain Archive.


Kentucky County & Region

Read about Fayette County, Kentucky in Wikipedia.

Kentucky Place (Town or City)

Read about Lexington, Kentucky in Wikipedia.

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“Parker, Perry,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 27, 2024,

Last modified: 2021-10-11 16:11:52