From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

McAnulty, William E., Jr.

(born: October 9, 1947  -  died: August 23, 2007) 

William E. McAnulty, Jr., born in Indianapolis, IN, became a judge with the Jefferson County (KY) Juvenile Court in 1975. By winning the 1977 election (which was his first campaign), McAnulty became the first African American judge to serve on the Louisville (KY) District Court. In 1998 McAnulty was elected to the Kentucky Court of Appeals. In 2005, he became the first African American justice to serve on the Kentucky Supreme Court. McAnulty was appointed by Governor Fletcher to replace Justice Martin Johnstone, who retired in June, 2005. Justice William E. McAnulty, Jr. was elected to the Kentucky Supreme Court in 2006. He resigned in 2007 due to illness. For more see "Kentucky's first black sheriff one of six black county officials," in the 1982 Kentucky Directory of Black Elected Officials, 6th Report, by the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights, p. 19; R. Alford, "Kentucky gets 1st black justice," Lexington Herald-Leader, 06/29/06, City/Region section, p. B1; A. Wolfson "Kentucky Supreme Court; McAnulty beats Shake to keep seat," Courier-Journal, 11/08/2006, News section, p. 5K; A. Wolfson, "McAnulty leaving Supreme Court," Courier-Journal (Louisville), 08/10/2007, News section, p. 1A; and "Special Tribute to the Honorable William E. McAnulty Jr." in Who's Who in Black Louisville, 2nd ed., pp.41-46.

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Cited in this Entry

NKAA Source: Kentucky directory of black elected officials
NKAA Source: Lexington herald-leader (newspaper)
NKAA Source: Courier-Journal [Louisville] (newspaper)
NKAA Source: Who's who in black Louisville (serial)

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“McAnulty, William E., Jr.,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed July 27, 2024,

Last modified: 2021-05-13 23:32:12