From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Henryville (Nicholas County, KY)

(start date: 1879) 

Henryville has been referred to as a "Negro Settlement" and a "Shacky Village." The community probably existed prior to 1879 when Henryville and its residents were not included within the city limit boundaries of Carlisle for political and corporation reasons and so as not to taint the census count.

In an 1898/99 State Board of Health report, Henryville was said to be on the north side of the county along KY 32, between the community of Stoney Creek and the town of Carlisle.

Nicholas County had been hit with an outbreak of yellow chicken pox, and there was to be a house-to-house inspection in order to vaccinate everyone, revaccinating if necessary. Guards were placed on the roads leading into the communities in order to contain the spread of the disease by travelers.

In 1930, about 250 people lived in Henryville, which still had no running water. A brief description of the community is given on p. 27 of The GI Generation, by F. F. Mathias; see also the health report of B. W. Smock, Health Inspector, in the Biennial Report of the State Board of Health of Kentucky 1898/99, pp. 148-149 [available full-text at Google Books]; and Acts Passed at the...Session of the General Assembly for the Commonwealth of Kentucky volume II, 1880, p. 1098 [available full-text at Google Books]. Both Fishers Station and Henryville are discussed in the interviews completed for the Nicholas County Memorial Library Oral History Collection, 1976-1986.


Kentucky County & Region

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Kentucky Place (Town or City)

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Cited in this Entry

NKAA Source: The GI generation : a memoir
NKAA Source: Nicholas County Memorial Library oral history collection

Related Entries Citing this Entry

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“Henryville (Nicholas County, KY),” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed June 7, 2024,

Last modified: 2020-10-21 18:34:27